we learn that Bob Ellis is
not impressed with the new Diana Ross documentary. Who? Diana's first
husband, father of Tracee Ellis Ross and Chudney -- I don't know if
Chudney goes by Ellis and/or Ross. She used
to go by Silverstein (Robert Ellis' surname by birth). Rhonda, Diana's
first daughter, was thought to be Bob's for years; however, MOTOWN
founder Berry Gordy was actually Rhonda's father. Diana married Bob
Ellis (who knew all of this) after Berry Gordy did
not want to get married.
I did not know that there was a Diana Ross documentary!
No movie with wall-to-wall Diana Ross music can be all bad. But
this one-off celebration in honour of Ross’s 75th birthday seems weirdly
thrown together, at times like a video tribute created by her children
and grandchildren to be shown at a family party.
It’s not a full life story but a revisiting of one of her finest hours:
the 1983 free open-air concert in New York’s Central Park, which was
engulfed by a terrifying thunderstorm.
Like the showbusiness legend she is, Ross turned this into an anti-Fyre
festival triumph. She kept singing in the drenching rain,
speaking soothingly between numbers, starkly lit by a spotlight in the
darkness, and kept the audience miraculously calm. If she had simply
abandoned the stage, there could have been dangerous
panic as everyone galloped blindly for the exits. Fortunately, an extra
performance the next day enjoyed sunny weather and we can see what live
shows looked like in that innocent age: Diana in a few hi-vis changes
of costume, a single big screen and a simple
wooden stage-platform that bounces dangerously as Diana dances on it.
I don't care if it's good or bad, I'll go see it. I love Diana and even if it's a blah documentary, I will still see it.
And turns out I can see it on March 28th!!! Here:
The movie will play on the big screen in high definition on Thursday, March 28, just two days after her actual birthday. It includes highlights from her historic 1983 performances on Central Park’s Great Lawn, along with previously unseen footage and heartfelt messages from her family.
Considered one of the greatest entertainers of all time, Ross is especially known for her years with The Supremes.
I love Diana. Let me note ten of my favorite ballads by Diana.
1) "It's My Turn"
2) "When You Tell Me That You Love Me"
3) "Experience"
4) "I'm In The World"
5) "Missing You"
6) "Summertime" (1987, from RED HOT RHYTHM & BLUES)
7) "Once In The Morning"
8)"Touch Me In The Morning"
9) "Is This What Feeling Gets?" (from THE WIZ)
10) "If We Hold On Together"
"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):
Friday, March 22, 2019. Tragedy hits Iraq yet again.
The death toll has continued to rise in the ferry sinking yesterday in Iraq. Less than a half hour ago, Hamdi Alkhshali, Nada Altaher and Tamara Qiblawi (CNN) updated the death toll to 92 and they note, "Among the victims were at least 12 children, according to health ministry spokesman Saif al-Badr. Of the nearly 150 people who were on board, about 60 are missing, said Mosul Mayor Zuhair al-Araji."
The death toll has continued to rise in the ferry sinking yesterday in Iraq. Less than a half hour ago, Hamdi Alkhshali, Nada Altaher and Tamara Qiblawi (CNN) updated the death toll to 92 and they note, "Among the victims were at least 12 children, according to health ministry spokesman Saif al-Badr. Of the nearly 150 people who were on board, about 60 are missing, said Mosul Mayor Zuhair al-Araji."
REUTERS reveals that the pleasure cruise turned deadly was supposed to take the passengers on board "to a man-made island used as a recreational area by families" and quotes Mosul's Civil Defense Authority Husam Khalil stating the boat "can normally carry 50 people. There were 250 on board before the incident."
So according to the safety guidelines, those ferries cud actually hold up to 50 persons not over 100! Welcome to Iraq, where money matters more than human lives

NPR's Sasha Ingber explains:
The flat-bottomed boat, which operates from a platform at an amusement park in the once Islamic State-controlled city of Mosul, capsized, throwing hundreds of passengers in the river near the shore. Many people couldn't swim.
Mosul Mayor Zuhair Araji said the vessel had "reached its capacity," causing it to succumb, according to Kurdistan24.
The mayor says he had warned the owners last week that the boat needed repairs.
The vessel did not appear to have life vests on board, according to authorities.
And the water level had also reportedly risen in recent days from rains, snow melting off nearby mountains and developments at the Mosul dam. Authorities had alerted people to be cautious.
Farid Abdulwahed and Qassim Abdul-Zahra (AP) add, "An Interior Ministry official said 94 people were killed in the accident, which residents said was the worst in recent memory. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations."
So sad: An overcrowded ferry capsized in the Tigris River near Mosul, killing at least 92 people during Nowruz and Mother's Day celebrations on Thursday, officials said. Among the victims were at least 12 children, according to health ministry
Arwa Damon Retweeted
#Iraqi s lighting candles on Tigris river in #Baghdad and all across Iraq in solidarity with the ferry victims.
The Russian government issued the following:
Condolences to President of Iraq Barham Salih
Vladimir Putin conveyed
his condolences to the President of the Republic of Iraq Barham Salih over
a ferry crash and the loss of human life.
He'll need more than just condolences. ASHARQ AL-AWSAT reports that Salih visited Mosul today forllowing Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi's visit -- Mahdi "ordered an investigation . . . [and] declared three days of national mourning." What they don't report is how the photo op went bad. The ceremonial president of Iraq expected applause and got protests.
Iraqi President Barham Salih attempts to calm angry #Mosul protestors following capsized ferry incident rudaw.net/english/middle…
The ferry of Mosul has affirmed that the Iraqi collective mind has been reconstructed out of the sectarian and nationalistic context, leading to new solidarity and interactions in Iraq's social geography. Politicians can not invest in this accident from sectarian perspective.
The ferry that yesterday sank in Mosul has provoked the resentment and grief of Iraqi people. The innocents we lost there were victims for the chain of corrupt process hitting Iraqi state. No for corruption.
The Iraqi people are still waiting for a government that makes them a priority. Their anger is both justified and understandable.
In the US, a presidential election will take place in 2020. Currently, there are six women vying for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. This is a record. Here they are with their three most recent Tweets (we are not counting pinned Tweets).
I had the best time showing @desusnice and @THEKIDMERO around Troy, NY and definitely beating them at bowling. Watch @SHODesusAndMero on #SHOWTIME tonight!
Thanks to so many Iowans who helped us kick off the first week of our official presidential campaign! Be back soon.
Education has the ability to empower our children and improve their path in life. We have a responsibility to ensure our teachers are respected, earn dignified wages, and have quality health care, benefits, and every resource they need to do their job.
It is unconscionable that Americans across the country have mountains of debt from medical bills. We must address our crumbling health care system and pass Medicare for All.
Today in 1965, about 3,200 marchers set out to complete the journey from Selma to Montgomery. By the time they reached Montgomery, they were over 25,000 strong. Their determination and courage led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act.
If you'd like to help those affected by flooding in the Midwest, here are several ways to pitch in:
It doesn't take an expert in information security to know that this is just sloppy.
My bipartisan legislation would make sure that you get to decide what's done with your data and that these companies are held accountable when they mess up.
Congrats to the U of M Gophers in the first round of the NCAA! Gophers, Gabe Kalscheur pull off NCAA tournament surprise, beat Louisville in opener.
When asked my views on immigration, I let it rip…
Thank you, John!
Here was my Town Hall with WMUR in New Hampshire ...
I’ve said it before, I’ll keep saying it: ban roundup! It’s long past time we stopped relying on corrupt corporations with a profit incentive to fund science telling us their chemicals are “safe.” Victims shouldn’t have to go to trial to get the truth.
Another example of Trump and Netanyahu putting their own political interests ahead of the interests of our respective countries. Will escalate tensions and likelihood of war between Israel/US/Syria/Iran/Russia. Shortsighted.
May the colorful celebrations of Holi around the world remind us all to let go of our bad habits, renew our will to do good, and be kind to one another regardless of our differences.
.@RepStephenLynch is right: @WellsFargo cheated its customers & broke the law. CEO Tim Sloan should be fired – but instead he got a $1 million raise last year. It's obscene. The only way we're ever going to stop these scandals is to hold executives personally accountable.
Non-compete agreements rig the system against workers. They reduce bargaining power, stifle competition, and hurt workers striving for better opportunities. I'm joining @SenBlumenthal to urge the @FTC to crack down on these harmful contracts.
When I heard reports that @ActingSecDef Patrick Shanahan may have worked to promote his former employer @Boeing, I took action and investigated. Government officials should work for the people – not big defense contractors.
The following sites updated: