Kat's "Kat's Korner: Ben Harper serves up a minor masterpiece" and Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "You're Stuck With Me" went up last night.
Are we stuck with her?
We did a "Roundtable" at THIRD on Sunday.
Jim: Mike, you've been pretty quiet.
Mike: I have. I understand what Elaine was saying earlier and what my mom [Trina] was saying but honestly, I am a little different in that I do get majorly depressed every time Bernie loses a primary. I do not want to blog then. I just don't see the point a lot of time after he loses. It's just too depressing.
Jim: So what do you do?
Mike: Blog about music.
Betty: And movies. And TV. And anything besides politics. I'm with Mike, sorry. I'm not as mature about it as some people are. I'm with Mike having my pity party and banging my head against the wall, cursing the fact that Hillary is going to be the nominee. I mean, I'll be voting for Bernie in June. And maybe she'll get indicted. I'm praying she gets indicted. But every time she wins another primary, I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head. Sorry.
With that in mind, this is from Ray McGovern's latest:
In April 2014, Clinton suggested that Snowden had helped terrorists by giving “all kinds of information, not only to big countries, but to networks and terrorist groups and the like.” Clinton was particularly hard on Snowden for going to China (Hong Kong) and Russia to escape a vengeful prosecution by the U.S. government.
Clinton even explained what extraordinary lengths she and her people went to in safeguarding government secrets: “When I would go to China or would go to Russia, we would leave all my electronic equipment on the plane with the batteries out, because … they’re trying to find out not just about what we do in our government, they’re … going after the personal emails of people who worked in the State Department.” Yes, she said that. (emphasis added)
Hoisted on Her Own Petard
Alas, nearly a year later, in March 2015, it became known that during her tenure as Secretary of State she had not been as diligent as she led the American people to believe. She had used a private server for official communications, rather than the usual official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. Thousands of those emails would retroactively be marked classified – some at the TOP SECRET/Codeword level – by the department.
During an interview last September, Snowden was asked to respond to the revelations about highly classified material showing up on Clinton’s personal server: “When the unclassified systems of the United States government, which has a full-time information security staff, regularly gets hacked, the idea that someone keeping a private server in the renovated bathroom of a server farm in Colorado is more secure is completely ridiculous.”
Asked if Clinton “intentionally endangered US international security by being so careless with her email,” Snowden said it was not his place to say. Nor, it would seem, is it President Barack Obama’s place to say, especially considering that the FBI is actively investigating Clinton’s security breach. But Obama has said it anyway.
“She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy,” the President said on April 10. In the same interview, Obama told Chris Wallace, “I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI – not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.”
But, although a former professor of Constitutional law, the President sports a checkered history when it comes to prejudicing investigations and even trials, conducted by those ultimately reporting to him. For example, more than two years before Bradley (Chelsea) Manning was brought to trial, the President stated publicly: “We are a nation of laws. We don’t let individuals make decisions about how the law operates. He [Bradley Manning] broke the law!”
She needs to be indicted.
"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):
Monday, May 2, 2016. Chaos and violence continue, the shock from the
breach of the Green Zone continues, US policy towards Iraq needs to be
seriously examined, and much more.
William Rivers Pitt (TRUTHOUT) observes:
Here we are just about two years later, and US soldiers wearing boots are on the ground in Iraq and Syria. The Green Zone in Baghdad has been stormed. The latest US deployments are small, but floods always start with a drip. About 217 US soldiers have been sent to Iraq to augment the more than 4,000 troops already there, along with an additional 250 sent to the urban death zone that is Syria. They're going to a place where hospitals are deliberately destroyed; a medical facility in Aleppo was recently obliterated in an airstrike, killing 14 people. The US blamed the Syrian government, the Syrians and Russians blamed the US, and the dead lie still.
"We see a continual escalation with the now 250 additional troops," said Rep. Barbara Lee. "Whenever you have troops in harm's way, unintended consequences could occur. I'm very worried that our troops, while advisers, are still in the middle of the war and without authorization from Congress." Sen. John McCain, in a rare moment of sense, said, "We used to call it 'mission creep.' I've seen this movie before. It's called Vietnam."
US troops and millions of US tax dollars continue to flood into Iraq.
It's past time that American citizens start asking why and start asking what the policy is, what the plan is.
Today, John Hudson, Dan De Luce and Paul McLeary (FOREIGN POLICY) maintain:
When it comes to Iraq, the world’s attention has largely focused on the military campaign to uproot the Islamic State from its strongholds in Anbar province and Mosul. But the most consequential fight for the country’s future may be playing out in Baghdad’s Green Zone, not with bullets and bombs, but amid an unanswered cry for political reform to a deeply dysfunctional and sectarian state.
The Obama administration’s plan to defeat the Islamic State relies in part on maintaining a reliable political partner in the form of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who has so far struggled against vested interests to push through his plans to overhaul the government and fix what is widely decried as a sectarian free-for-all among Iraqi politicians.
And the three are right.
And that 'plan' is and has been wrong from day one.
That 'plan' is why Iraq is in its current state.
It's why Barack Obama has failed Iraq.
In 2010, Iraq held national elections. Nouri al-Maliki was the prime minister, having been installed by the Bully Boy Bush administration in 2006 (due to their objection to the Parliament's choice of Ibrahim al-Jaafari). In the 2010 elections, Nouri used every thing he could to try and win and yet he lost.
And yet he got a second term.
How did that happen?
Because Barack decided to give Nouri a second term.
First Nouri refused to step down.
All the whining about Iraq right now -- we'll get to it in a moment -- is just utter nonsense.
For over eight months, in 2010, nothing happened.
Nouri refused to step down after losing the elections and he brought the country to a standstill.
For eight months.
That was a crisis.
Those insisting today's a crisis have really short memories and a lack of context.
Barack had advice.
Samantha Power and Susan Rice loudly advocated for the democratic process in Iraq to be trashed and for Nouri to get a second term because, they both insisted, he would give the United States what they wanted.
What the US government has always wanted has been the hydrocarbon law passed.
The oil and gas law has always been first on the list.
It remains first on the list.
Nouri al-Maliki promised the Bush administration he could deliver it -- he even agreed to the 2007 White House benchmarks which included passage of the oil and gas law.
He never delivered.
But Barack -- like Bully Boy Bush before -- believed him.
So instead of demanding Nouri step down following the 2010 elections, the US government brokered The Erbil Agreement -- a legal contract that gave Nouri a second term in exchange for Nouri giving the political blocs what they wanted.
They sent Vice President Joe Biden to Iraq to sell it. As Emma Sky has noted, he came off rather foolish and actually confused Iraqi politicians (see her book The Unraveling: High Hopes and Missed Opportunities in Iraq.) But he went to sell it and he did.
And the reason was because Nouri was going to give them what they wanted.
Not because Nouri was good for Iraq.
It was already known -- through the work of Ned Parker, among others -- that Nouri was running secret prisons and torture cells.
But Barack backed him and he got a second term.
In that second term, he terrorized and persecuted the Sunni population.
As soon as the bulk of US troops pulled out at the end of 2011 (the drawdown), he ordered tanks to surround the homes of Sunni politicians (Nouri is a Shi'ite -- and he's one of the cowards the fled Iraq decades ago, returning only after the US-led invasion of March 2003).
He even had an order issued for the Vice President of Iraq, Tareq al-Hashemi -- ignoring the Constitution and the legal process. Bodyguards and secretaries of Tareq's would be tortured by Nouri's forces. At least one bodyguard would die -- kidney failure from the beatings.
And that didn't prompt Barack to withdraw support.
Let's be clear that this was not hidden in real time.
This is not something that only came out after Nouri was forced out in 2014.
From the March 22, 2012 snapshot:
Or how about December 21, 2012:
The April 23, 2013 massacre of a sit-in in Hawija which resulted from Nouri's federal forces storming in and attacking the peaceful protesters (who they'd refused to allow to leave). Alsumaria noted Kirkuk's Department of Health (Hawija is in Kirkuk) announced 50 activists have died and 110 were injured in the assault. AFP reported the death toll eventually (as some wounded died) rose to 53 dead. UNICEF noted that the dead included 8 children (twelve more were injured).
This happened in full view of the world's eyes and Barack continued to support Nouri.
So I find it frightening when Hudson, De Luce and McLeary write:
The Obama administration’s plan to defeat the Islamic State relies in part on maintaining a reliable political partner in the form of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who has so far struggled against vested interests to push through his plans to overhaul the government and fix what is widely decried as a sectarian free-for-all among Iraqi politicians.
I don't disagree with their call.
They're exactly right that this is what Barack is doing.
But it took Iraq to the brink when he did it from 2010 to 2014.
And it goes against everything Americans are supposed to believe about US foreign policy.
It needs to be discussed and it needs to be discussed publicly.
This policy -- this hypocrisy sold as 'real politik' -- led Iraq to the brink and gave rise to the Islamic State.
Before it's utilized again, in a democracy, citizens should debate it.
In June of 2014, June 19, 2014, after Nouri's crimes were so long we can't even cover the major ones in a snapshot, Barack finally began stepping away.
(In fairness, White House friends will point out that Barack refused Nouri's 2012 post-election call congratulating Barack on a second term -- Barack refused the call and it was routed to Joe Biden instead. Though White House friends sell that as Barack 'rebuking' Nouri, I don't see it that way at all. And it certainly didn't force Nouri to improve his behaviors in 2013 and 2014.)
Yet again, the White House is backing a failure and claiming that's necessary for success.
Success in Iraq should be beyond one single person.
And this 'plan' resulted in the current failure when it was used before.
This needs to be addressed and discussed.
Saturday, the followers of Shi'ite cleric and movement leader Moqtada al-Sadr stormed the Green Zone and then the Parliament on Saturday. Sunday, his followers largely dispersed.
The breach of the Green Zone was (and remains) major news. (THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR'S Scott Peterson has an interesting piece here.)
There are calls from some for thug Nouri to be returned to power. (The Green Zone was not breached when he was prime minister for two terms.)
Phil Stewart (REUTERS) reports:
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is in a strong position despite political unrest in Iraq, thanks in part to battlefield successes and his commitment to a multi-sectarian state, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Monday.
“He seems to be in a very strong position. Obviously we support him strongly because of what he stands for,” Carter told reporters travelling with him shortly before landing in Germany.
Carter’s full-throated backing of Abadi, one of his most forceful to date, follows months of intense Iraqi political wrangling that has put the country on edge.
Abadi has attempted to replace party-affiliated ministers with technocrats as part of an anti-corruption drive. A divided parliament has failed to approve the proposal amid scuffles and protests.
Is that what he's attempted to do?
Does Phil Stewart feel he can tell the truth?
Last week, AL JAZEERA was shut down in Iraq and, most infamously, there's Ned Parker. Ned was over REUTERS' Baghdad coverage until he was forced to leave the country due to death threats for reporting the truth and Haider al-Abadi not only failed to defend Ned Parker, Haider laughed about the whole thing publicly, he found it funny.
Phil Stewart has never filed a report examining Haider's nominees. Not the failed set he nominated at the end of March or his more recent set.
The Iraqi press has covered the nominees and found them not to be technocrats but fat cats.
Jamal Hashim (XINHUA) notes a key detail Stewart avoids:
According to the Iraqi constitution, the country's political process was built on power-sharing system, also known as quota system, with the aim of allowing all Iraqi ethnic and sectarian factions to take part in the decision-making process.
"The power-sharing system was seen as a compromise to the deeply divided Iraqi sectarian and ethnic factions, who suffer from lack of trust after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003," said Ibrahim al-Ameri a lecturer of politics in a Baghdad college.
However, the power-sharing system, which also includes sharing cabinet seats, has long been criticized for prompting unqualified candidates and encouraging corruption.
That's a little more honesty than the western media has allowed.
Today, the US Defense Dept announced:
Strikes in Iraq
Attack, ground-attack and fighter aircraft conducted 18 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:
-- Near Baghdadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
-- Near Fallujah, four strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL weapons cache, five ISIL tunnel entrances and four ISIL bunkers, and denying ISIL access to terrain.
-- Near Habbaniyah, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL bunker, 12 ISIL boats an ISIL fuel truck and denied ISIL access to terrain.
-- Near Hit, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL mortar system.
-- Near Kirkuk, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL vehicles, two ISIL tunnel systems, three ISIL assembly areas and an ISIL command-and-control node and deniying ISIL access to terrain.
-- Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL tunnel system and two ISIL mortar systems.
-- Near Mosul, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL financial center, destroying an ISIL mortar system and suppressing an ISIL mortar position.
-- Near Qayyarah, a strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system.
-- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike destroyed two ISIL machine guns and two ISIL mortar systems.
Task force officials define a strike as one or more kinetic events that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative, effect. Therefore, officials explained, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone ISIL vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against buildings, vehicles and weapon systems in a compound, for example, having the cumulative effect of making those targets harder or impossible for ISIL to use. Accordingly, officials said, they do not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. Ground-based artillery fired in counterfire or in fire support to maneuver roles is not classified as a strike.
jamal hashim
William Rivers Pitt (TRUTHOUT) observes:
Here we are just about two years later, and US soldiers wearing boots are on the ground in Iraq and Syria. The Green Zone in Baghdad has been stormed. The latest US deployments are small, but floods always start with a drip. About 217 US soldiers have been sent to Iraq to augment the more than 4,000 troops already there, along with an additional 250 sent to the urban death zone that is Syria. They're going to a place where hospitals are deliberately destroyed; a medical facility in Aleppo was recently obliterated in an airstrike, killing 14 people. The US blamed the Syrian government, the Syrians and Russians blamed the US, and the dead lie still.
"We see a continual escalation with the now 250 additional troops," said Rep. Barbara Lee. "Whenever you have troops in harm's way, unintended consequences could occur. I'm very worried that our troops, while advisers, are still in the middle of the war and without authorization from Congress." Sen. John McCain, in a rare moment of sense, said, "We used to call it 'mission creep.' I've seen this movie before. It's called Vietnam."
US troops and millions of US tax dollars continue to flood into Iraq.
It's past time that American citizens start asking why and start asking what the policy is, what the plan is.
Today, John Hudson, Dan De Luce and Paul McLeary (FOREIGN POLICY) maintain:
When it comes to Iraq, the world’s attention has largely focused on the military campaign to uproot the Islamic State from its strongholds in Anbar province and Mosul. But the most consequential fight for the country’s future may be playing out in Baghdad’s Green Zone, not with bullets and bombs, but amid an unanswered cry for political reform to a deeply dysfunctional and sectarian state.
The Obama administration’s plan to defeat the Islamic State relies in part on maintaining a reliable political partner in the form of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who has so far struggled against vested interests to push through his plans to overhaul the government and fix what is widely decried as a sectarian free-for-all among Iraqi politicians.
And the three are right.
And that 'plan' is and has been wrong from day one.
That 'plan' is why Iraq is in its current state.
It's why Barack Obama has failed Iraq.
In 2010, Iraq held national elections. Nouri al-Maliki was the prime minister, having been installed by the Bully Boy Bush administration in 2006 (due to their objection to the Parliament's choice of Ibrahim al-Jaafari). In the 2010 elections, Nouri used every thing he could to try and win and yet he lost.
And yet he got a second term.
How did that happen?
Because Barack decided to give Nouri a second term.
First Nouri refused to step down.
All the whining about Iraq right now -- we'll get to it in a moment -- is just utter nonsense.
For over eight months, in 2010, nothing happened.
Nouri refused to step down after losing the elections and he brought the country to a standstill.
For eight months.
That was a crisis.
Those insisting today's a crisis have really short memories and a lack of context.
Barack had advice.
Samantha Power and Susan Rice loudly advocated for the democratic process in Iraq to be trashed and for Nouri to get a second term because, they both insisted, he would give the United States what they wanted.
What the US government has always wanted has been the hydrocarbon law passed.
The oil and gas law has always been first on the list.
It remains first on the list.
Nouri al-Maliki promised the Bush administration he could deliver it -- he even agreed to the 2007 White House benchmarks which included passage of the oil and gas law.
He never delivered.
But Barack -- like Bully Boy Bush before -- believed him.
So instead of demanding Nouri step down following the 2010 elections, the US government brokered The Erbil Agreement -- a legal contract that gave Nouri a second term in exchange for Nouri giving the political blocs what they wanted.
They sent Vice President Joe Biden to Iraq to sell it. As Emma Sky has noted, he came off rather foolish and actually confused Iraqi politicians (see her book The Unraveling: High Hopes and Missed Opportunities in Iraq.) But he went to sell it and he did.
And the reason was because Nouri was going to give them what they wanted.
Not because Nouri was good for Iraq.
It was already known -- through the work of Ned Parker, among others -- that Nouri was running secret prisons and torture cells.
But Barack backed him and he got a second term.
In that second term, he terrorized and persecuted the Sunni population.
As soon as the bulk of US troops pulled out at the end of 2011 (the drawdown), he ordered tanks to surround the homes of Sunni politicians (Nouri is a Shi'ite -- and he's one of the cowards the fled Iraq decades ago, returning only after the US-led invasion of March 2003).
He even had an order issued for the Vice President of Iraq, Tareq al-Hashemi -- ignoring the Constitution and the legal process. Bodyguards and secretaries of Tareq's would be tortured by Nouri's forces. At least one bodyguard would die -- kidney failure from the beatings.
And that didn't prompt Barack to withdraw support.
Let's be clear that this was not hidden in real time.
This is not something that only came out after Nouri was forced out in 2014.
From the March 22, 2012 snapshot:
Or how about December 21, 2012:
After morning prayers, Kitabat reports,
protesters gathered in Falluja to protest the arrests and Nouri
al-Maliki. They chanted down with Nouri's brutality and, in a move that
won't change their minds, found themselves descended upon by Nouri's
forces who violently ended the protest. Before that, Al Mada reports, they were chanting that terrorism and Nouri are two sides of the same coin. Kitabat also reports
that demonstrations also took place in Tikrit, Samarra, Ramdia and just
outside Falluja with persons from various tribes choosing to block
the road connecting Anbar Province (Falluja is the capitol of Anbar)
with Baghdad. Across Iraq, there were calls for Nouri to release the
bodyguards of Minister of Finance Rafie al-Issawi. Alsumaria notes demonstrators in Samarra accused Nouri of attempting to start a sectarian war.
So what happened yesterday? Mohammed Tawfeeq (CNN) reports:
Iraq's Finance Minister Rafei al-Essawi said Thursday that "a militia force" raided his house, headquarters and ministry in Baghdad and kidnapped 150 people, and he holds the nation's prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, responsible for their safety.
So what happened yesterday? Mohammed Tawfeeq (CNN) reports:
Iraq's Finance Minister Rafei al-Essawi said Thursday that "a militia force" raided his house, headquarters and ministry in Baghdad and kidnapped 150 people, and he holds the nation's prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, responsible for their safety.
The April 23, 2013 massacre of a sit-in in Hawija which resulted from Nouri's federal forces storming in and attacking the peaceful protesters (who they'd refused to allow to leave). Alsumaria noted Kirkuk's Department of Health (Hawija is in Kirkuk) announced 50 activists have died and 110 were injured in the assault. AFP reported the death toll eventually (as some wounded died) rose to 53 dead. UNICEF noted that the dead included 8 children (twelve more were injured).
This happened in full view of the world's eyes and Barack continued to support Nouri.
So I find it frightening when Hudson, De Luce and McLeary write:
The Obama administration’s plan to defeat the Islamic State relies in part on maintaining a reliable political partner in the form of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who has so far struggled against vested interests to push through his plans to overhaul the government and fix what is widely decried as a sectarian free-for-all among Iraqi politicians.
I don't disagree with their call.
They're exactly right that this is what Barack is doing.
But it took Iraq to the brink when he did it from 2010 to 2014.
And it goes against everything Americans are supposed to believe about US foreign policy.
It needs to be discussed and it needs to be discussed publicly.
This policy -- this hypocrisy sold as 'real politik' -- led Iraq to the brink and gave rise to the Islamic State.
Before it's utilized again, in a democracy, citizens should debate it.
In June of 2014, June 19, 2014, after Nouri's crimes were so long we can't even cover the major ones in a snapshot, Barack finally began stepping away.
(In fairness, White House friends will point out that Barack refused Nouri's 2012 post-election call congratulating Barack on a second term -- Barack refused the call and it was routed to Joe Biden instead. Though White House friends sell that as Barack 'rebuking' Nouri, I don't see it that way at all. And it certainly didn't force Nouri to improve his behaviors in 2013 and 2014.)
Yet again, the White House is backing a failure and claiming that's necessary for success.
Success in Iraq should be beyond one single person.
And this 'plan' resulted in the current failure when it was used before.
This needs to be addressed and discussed.
Saturday, the followers of Shi'ite cleric and movement leader Moqtada al-Sadr stormed the Green Zone and then the Parliament on Saturday. Sunday, his followers largely dispersed.
The breach of the Green Zone was (and remains) major news. (THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR'S Scott Peterson has an interesting piece here.)
There are calls from some for thug Nouri to be returned to power. (The Green Zone was not breached when he was prime minister for two terms.)
Phil Stewart (REUTERS) reports:
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is in a strong position despite political unrest in Iraq, thanks in part to battlefield successes and his commitment to a multi-sectarian state, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Monday.
“He seems to be in a very strong position. Obviously we support him strongly because of what he stands for,” Carter told reporters travelling with him shortly before landing in Germany.
Carter’s full-throated backing of Abadi, one of his most forceful to date, follows months of intense Iraqi political wrangling that has put the country on edge.
Abadi has attempted to replace party-affiliated ministers with technocrats as part of an anti-corruption drive. A divided parliament has failed to approve the proposal amid scuffles and protests.
Is that what he's attempted to do?
Does Phil Stewart feel he can tell the truth?
Last week, AL JAZEERA was shut down in Iraq and, most infamously, there's Ned Parker. Ned was over REUTERS' Baghdad coverage until he was forced to leave the country due to death threats for reporting the truth and Haider al-Abadi not only failed to defend Ned Parker, Haider laughed about the whole thing publicly, he found it funny.
Phil Stewart has never filed a report examining Haider's nominees. Not the failed set he nominated at the end of March or his more recent set.
The Iraqi press has covered the nominees and found them not to be technocrats but fat cats.
Jamal Hashim (XINHUA) notes a key detail Stewart avoids:
According to the Iraqi constitution, the country's political process was built on power-sharing system, also known as quota system, with the aim of allowing all Iraqi ethnic and sectarian factions to take part in the decision-making process.
"The power-sharing system was seen as a compromise to the deeply divided Iraqi sectarian and ethnic factions, who suffer from lack of trust after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003," said Ibrahim al-Ameri a lecturer of politics in a Baghdad college.
However, the power-sharing system, which also includes sharing cabinet seats, has long been criticized for prompting unqualified candidates and encouraging corruption.
That's a little more honesty than the western media has allowed.
Today, the US Defense Dept announced:
Strikes in Iraq
Attack, ground-attack and fighter aircraft conducted 18 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:
-- Near Baghdadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
-- Near Fallujah, four strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL weapons cache, five ISIL tunnel entrances and four ISIL bunkers, and denying ISIL access to terrain.
-- Near Habbaniyah, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL bunker, 12 ISIL boats an ISIL fuel truck and denied ISIL access to terrain.
-- Near Hit, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL mortar system.
-- Near Kirkuk, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL vehicles, two ISIL tunnel systems, three ISIL assembly areas and an ISIL command-and-control node and deniying ISIL access to terrain.
-- Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL tunnel system and two ISIL mortar systems.
-- Near Mosul, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL financial center, destroying an ISIL mortar system and suppressing an ISIL mortar position.
-- Near Qayyarah, a strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system.
-- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike destroyed two ISIL machine guns and two ISIL mortar systems.
Task force officials define a strike as one or more kinetic events that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative, effect. Therefore, officials explained, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone ISIL vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against buildings, vehicles and weapon systems in a compound, for example, having the cumulative effect of making those targets harder or impossible for ISIL to use. Accordingly, officials said, they do not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. Ground-based artillery fired in counterfire or in fire support to maneuver roles is not classified as a strike.
jamal hashim