Lana Turner y John Garfield en 'The Postman Always Rings Twice' (Tay Garnett, 1946).
- LANA TURNER publicity photo for 'Ziegfeld Girl' 1941 photo by George Hurrell
- Retweeted SirCarlos (@carlos01101966): Lana Turner's...40's perfection....
She was a very famous movie star.
I'd read a book that had a chapter on her recently and I was kind of impressed.
Then I mentioned it to C.I. and she recommended a book on Lana Turner.
The chapter in that other book?
I'll probably write about it tomorrow night.
But for those who don't know Lana Turner . . .
She was in the MGM school with Judy Garland. Like Judy, she appeared in some Andy Hardy films (Mickey Rooney plays the son of Judge Hardy).
Lana was basically the Demi Moore of her day in many ways.
She was considered sexy and usually turned out to the nines in films (and always in public).
My favorite Lana film is, of course, THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE (with John Garfield).
But she's also the star of the classic IMITATION OF LIFE which everyone I know saw over and over on TV growing up.
"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):
Thursday, February 23, 2017. Chaos and violence continue, the western
press continues to lionize (via coverage) an apparent suicide bomber
while ignoring the death of a US servicemember in Iraq, The Mosul Slog
continues, and much more.
Two foreign deaths this week in Iraq. A Brit apparently blows himself intentionally and am American dies serving.
Which one did western media glom on?
Which one do you think?
A strong response from War Criminal Tony Blair?
As we noted yesterday, the British suspect was (a) released from Guantanamo at the urging of the British government and (b) apparently handed one million dollars from the British government. And Tony's objection?
That press reports are blaming him for both when the million dollars took place after he was out of office.
Again, of the two issues, begging for the release of a prison who allegedly went on to kill himself and others? That's the one you really don't want to be attached to.
But Tony's always been an idiot.
It's why he gets out of bed each morning, forever convinced that this will be the lucky day the world develops amnesia and forgets his War Crimes.
From the death they can't stop talking about to the one that's barely getting attention . . .
"Pfc. Brian Patrick Odiorne" died serving in Iraq. The death was announced Tuesday.
Two foreign deaths this week in Iraq. A Brit apparently blows himself intentionally and am American dies serving.
Which one did western media glom on?
Which one do you think?
A strong response from War Criminal Tony Blair?
As we noted yesterday, the British suspect was (a) released from Guantanamo at the urging of the British government and (b) apparently handed one million dollars from the British government. And Tony's objection?
That press reports are blaming him for both when the million dollars took place after he was out of office.
Again, of the two issues, begging for the release of a prison who allegedly went on to kill himself and others? That's the one you really don't want to be attached to.
But Tony's always been an idiot.
It's why he gets out of bed each morning, forever convinced that this will be the lucky day the world develops amnesia and forgets his War Crimes.
From the death they can't stop talking about to the one that's barely getting attention . . .
"Pfc. Brian Patrick Odiorne" died serving in Iraq. The death was announced Tuesday.
Ware selectmen held a moment of silence to honor Army Pfc. Brian Odiorne, who died in Iraq.
Jim Russell (MASS LIVE) reports:
Selectmen requested a moment of silence prior to the start of Tuesday night's meeting to honor a soldier and town resident, Army Pfc. Brian Odiorne, who died the previous day while serving in Iraq.
The more than two dozen attending the meeting stood in silence with selectmen.
Tiffany Chan (WWLP) offers, "Massachusetts Veterans Services Secretary Francisco Urena told 22News at a State House military event, that Odiorne’s loss is especially tough, since he was just 21 years old." The young man is remembered by many. Antonio Planas (BOSTON HERALD) includes this:
“He was a very kind and loving soul that always put others first. If you were in need, he’d stay and help even if he just met you. He loved being a peacekeeper, and me and his other brother will miss him more than anything,” Kyle North told the Herald in Facebook messages. “He was my hero. ... Men like him are so rare.”
David McKay (WWLP) notes:
Odiorne was well known throughout the area. He was a machine shop student at Pathfinder Regional High School, and he was also on the football team. He graduated in 2014. Whether it be in the hallways at school or out on the football field, he was known as a people pleaser.
Coach Chris Pope said, “He was just “OD” that was his name, I probably didn’t know his name was Brian in four years of knowing him. Everybody liked him…I’m sorry to his family, it’s a real loss.”
McKay also explains, "If you would like to make a donation to the Pathfinder Booster Club in honor of Odiorne, you can send it to Pathfinder Regional Vocational Technical High School at 240 Sykes Street, Palmer, MA 01069, c/o Booster Club."
CNN notes the state's Governor Charlie Baker declared Wednesday that he had spoken with the family, "I said to them, I’m not calling you as a public official, I’m not calling you as your governor, I’m calling you as a dad to speak to how sorry and sad I am that your son, who committed to serve this country, isn’t coming back."
Day 129 of The Mosul Slog and some are trying to sell it as success.
I guess if US troops openly in combat in Iraq qualifies as wonderful to you, then it's a success.
CBS and AP report, "Iraqi federal police pushed their way into the perimeter of Mosul International Airport on Thursday, taking control of the runway amid fierce exchanges of fire with Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants hunkered down in several airport buildings, police officials said." BBC emphasizes, "Foreign troops from the US-led coalition were with the attacking troops, officials told AP, without specifying their nationality."
Sara Hussein and Jean-Marc Mojon (AFP) report:
US officials this week estimated there were only 2,000 IS fighters
defending west Mosul, suggesting the jihadist group had suffered heavy
losses in the first four months of the operation.
US-led coalition, which has provided intensive air support as well as
advisers on the ground, said before the Mosul offensive began that 5,000
to 7,000 jihadists were in the city.
AFP reporters saw US forces moving into Al-Buseif on Wednesday in convoys of large military vehicles.
A coalition spokesman acknowledged later that US forces had been shot at and returned fire in the battle for Mosul.
have come under fire at different times, they have returned fire at
different times, in and around Mosul," Colonel John Dorrian said,
declining however to confirm if any US troops had been wounded.
So it's a success.
The Mosul Airport has been seized apparently.
It's an end to all those ISIS direct flights to Miami!!!!
The 750,000 people in western Mosul?
The airport seizure means nothing for them.
But the operation has little concern for civilians since day one.
And as Loveday Morris (WASHINGTON POST) notes, while everyone's watching Mosul, the Islamic State appears to be re-entering old territories.
US troops are in combat in Iraq and no one's pretending otherwise at last. Richard Sisk (MILITARY TIMES) offers up new possibilities:
U.S. troop increases in Syria and Iraq could be part of the plan for speeding up the campaign against ISIS that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will present to the White House next week, military officials said Wednesday.
Army Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Central Command, told reporters traveling with him in the Mideast, "It could be that we take on a larger burden ourselves" in supporting a combined Syrian Arab and Syrian Kurdish force closing on the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, Syria. "That's an option."
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