One example?
She praised the 'White Helmets.'
A group of criminals.
- Eva Bartlett Retweeted#MSM Silence on Overwhelming Evidence Presented at the United Nations About Bogus NGO WHITE HELMETS. Organ theft, staged attacks: #UN panel details #WhiteHelmets ’ criminal activities, media yawns. #Syria | @EvaKBartlett on Patreon
She is an idiot who never realizes just how dumb she is.
We all knew the White Helmets were criminals. But there she was praising them in her idiotic Twitter feed.
From Eva Bartlett's article -- most recent article -- on the White Helmets:
Utter silence. That is the sound of Western corporate media days after a more than one-hour-long panel on the White Helmets at the United Nations on December 20.
Journalists were present, so the silence isn’t due to lack of access. And in any case it was live streamed on the UNTV channel, and remains available on Youtube for keen observers to watch.
More likely, the silence is due to the irrefutable documentation presented on the faux-rescue group’s involvement in criminal activities, which include organ theft, working with terrorists — including as snipers — staging fake rescues, thieving from civilians, and other non-rescuer behaviour.
On the panel was one of corporate media's favourite targets to smear, British journalist Vanessa Beeley, who gave a fact-based lecture on her years of research into the founding, funding and nefarious activities of the White Helmets, research which includes numerous visits to White Helmets centers, countless testimonies from Syrian civilians, and even an interview with a White Helmets leader in Dara'a al-Balad, Syria.
Maxim Grigoriev, the director of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy (a member of the UN’s Global Counter-Terrorism Research Network) spoke at length, detailing some of the over 100 eyewitnesses his foundation has conducted interviews with.
These include over 40 White Helmets members, 15 former terrorists, 50 people from areas where terrorists and WH operated, with another over 500 interviewed by survey in Aleppo and Daraa.
Among testimonies presented by Grigoriev were numerous accounts of the White Helmets' involvement in organ theft.
A head of nursing in Aleppo is cited as seeing the body of his neighbour who had been taken by the White Helmets to Turkey for “treatment”. “I lifted the sheet and saw a large wound cut from the throat to the stomach… I touched him with my hand and understood there were clearly no organs left.”
Another interviewee said: “A person receives a minor injury, is rescued… and then brought back with their stomach cut open and with their internal organs missing.”
The interviews with civilians, White Helmets and terrorist members themselves put to rest NATO’s and their lapdog media’s explanations that in the White Helmets there are a few bad apples but in general these are humanitarian rescuers.
They are criminals and Alyssa praised them, hailed them as heroes.
"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):
Friday, December 28, 2018. The US press exposes covert ops in Iraq but blames Donald Trump,
Is there any low or lie the press won't go to in order to lie about US President Donald Trump? There's a reason no one believes the bulk of the pres, the hysteria, the weasel words, the rush to attack. I don't like Donald Trump and that's from years and years ago. I have not used that as an excuse to turn this site into THE DAILY HATE TRUMP. Our focus is Iraq. I don't know what the focus of the press is other than hate.
It's an obsession and it's one I don't share. As I've noted before during the Trump crazy, I actually have a life. I'm an adult with a full life. I don't have time for all this b.s. of what his wife wore -- I'd have to look her up online to know how to spell her name -- that's how little she matters to my life. That's also why I referred to her only as "First Lady" this week in the piece I typed (as opposed to dictated). While we are noting her, she's said to be the first First Lady to travel to combat zone since 1969 (apparently the tripe Hillary made -- that Sinbad and all of MSNBC mocked her for in 2008 -- did not count).
I don't trust the press because I know it. I know how it lies, I know how it backbites, I know how it distorts. I've seen it first hand. But what's happening is the American people are seeing it now. Even more so than during the lead up to the Iraq War, they are seeing it. A lot of people in this country are scratching their heads and wondering what the heck is going on?
This really is how the press has always been, it's just now they're being that way in the open.
Is that the screaming headline?
I've never known of a more useless piece of 'reporting.'
But since all the outlets want to insist it happened -- in their headlines -- let's note what actually took place.
Donald Trump posted many photos on his Twitter feed of the visit he and his wife took to Iraq.
This is the one that's become the focus.
I'm sorry, where does Trump say "covert ops."
He doesn't.
So if someone's exposed them, that would be the press.
I see visual evidence of some people Donald met on a US base in Iraq. I see they are a group of men in military uniform.
I see that with my own eyes.
The same way any Iraqi near the base would see them with her or his own eyes. They're obviously non-Iraqi, even if they're not in the uniform.
That visual posted to Twitter exposed nothing.
Nor did his words in the Tweet.
I'm shocked because I know the press is trash (yes, friends in the press, you are my exception -- but if you're really my friend, you know I've felt the press is trash for as long as I've been alive -- and you know why -- starting with the first political scandal).
I know they are trash but I was thinking I'd be seeing something that backed up their claims. I don't like Donald so I thought, "What stupid thing did he do now?''
Actually, he didn't.
He's in the clear.
It's the press that exposed the covert ops by identifying them as such.
I don't see exposure as the end of the world but the press sure does so maybe they need to do article after article -- screaming headlines with no qualifiers included -- about their own actions.
NEWSWEEK started this crap. It's always been a CIA cut-out and remains one to this day.
But let's leave their b.s. for a moment to note the other idiots running with it. "Trump Exposed Location, Faces Of Navy Seals Team In Iraq Tweet" screams the headline at HUFFINGTON POST -- despite the fact that Mary Papenfus writes:
And if you doubt who did the exposure, it was the press. Even NEWSWEEK garbage article reveals that -- the pool report issued after the embargo said Donald Trump met with special ops. That same pool report? It i.d. the chaplain of the special ops team. So the press did the exposing.
Not Donald.
Special ops? They're going to go off the base in Iraq. And when they do, they will be seen as Americans. And when they are, it will be assumed that they are part of the American troops who are 'training' Iraqi troops.
To get outraged by this non-story, you have to think that the special ops have the power of invisibility or that the Iraqi people are so stupid that they can't even tell a foreigner when they see one.
The story -- even in the screaming lie version -- was not the end of the world. A security assessment takes place after an incident like this. If reassignment is determined to be necessary, it takes place. That's another fact that the press 'forgot' to include in their hysterical and deceitful coverage.
But the reality is that Trump did not Tweet that anyone was special ops.
These are troops in Iraq which the Iraqis are more than aware are present.
The press exposed them and the press needs to own up to that. And if we need a name, the reporter was Brian Bennett.
But they aren't about the truth, they're about hating Donald Trump.
Which is why you've seen so many headlines about the Iraqi Parliament (usually identified as "Baghdad") being outraged by Trump's visit and insisting it was a violation of their own national sovereignty. But left out of the hysteria? The same people outraged are calling for US troops out of Iraq.
The Barbara Starrs won't note that reality because they are all about continuing the Iraq War. They always have been, the whores have no blood in the game but they wouldn't feel as important if they weren't betraying the American people by cozying up to US officials. It's an empty and pathetic life but Barbara Starr is an empty and pathetic individual.
Phil Issa (AP) reports:
Iraqi lawmakers Thursday demanded U.S. forces leave the country following a surprise visit by President Donald Trump that politicians denounced as arrogant and a violation of national sovereignty.
Trump’s trip to U.S. servicemen and women at al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq on Wednesday was unannounced and the subject of extreme security, which is routine for presidential visits to conflict regions. But it came at a time when containing foreign influence has become a hot-button issue in Iraqi politics, and it provoked vociferous backlash.
Is there any low or lie the press won't go to in order to lie about US President Donald Trump? There's a reason no one believes the bulk of the pres, the hysteria, the weasel words, the rush to attack. I don't like Donald Trump and that's from years and years ago. I have not used that as an excuse to turn this site into THE DAILY HATE TRUMP. Our focus is Iraq. I don't know what the focus of the press is other than hate.
It's an obsession and it's one I don't share. As I've noted before during the Trump crazy, I actually have a life. I'm an adult with a full life. I don't have time for all this b.s. of what his wife wore -- I'd have to look her up online to know how to spell her name -- that's how little she matters to my life. That's also why I referred to her only as "First Lady" this week in the piece I typed (as opposed to dictated). While we are noting her, she's said to be the first First Lady to travel to combat zone since 1969 (apparently the tripe Hillary made -- that Sinbad and all of MSNBC mocked her for in 2008 -- did not count).
I don't trust the press because I know it. I know how it lies, I know how it backbites, I know how it distorts. I've seen it first hand. But what's happening is the American people are seeing it now. Even more so than during the lead up to the Iraq War, they are seeing it. A lot of people in this country are scratching their heads and wondering what the heck is going on?
This really is how the press has always been, it's just now they're being that way in the open.
Is that the screaming headline?
I've never known of a more useless piece of 'reporting.'
But since all the outlets want to insist it happened -- in their headlines -- let's note what actually took place.
Donald Trump posted many photos on his Twitter feed of the visit he and his wife took to Iraq.
This is the one that's become the focus.
I'm sorry, where does Trump say "covert ops."
He doesn't.
So if someone's exposed them, that would be the press.
I see visual evidence of some people Donald met on a US base in Iraq. I see they are a group of men in military uniform.
I see that with my own eyes.
The same way any Iraqi near the base would see them with her or his own eyes. They're obviously non-Iraqi, even if they're not in the uniform.
That visual posted to Twitter exposed nothing.
Nor did his words in the Tweet.
I'm shocked because I know the press is trash (yes, friends in the press, you are my exception -- but if you're really my friend, you know I've felt the press is trash for as long as I've been alive -- and you know why -- starting with the first political scandal).
I know they are trash but I was thinking I'd be seeing something that backed up their claims. I don't like Donald so I thought, "What stupid thing did he do now?''
Actually, he didn't.
He's in the clear.
It's the press that exposed the covert ops by identifying them as such.
I don't see exposure as the end of the world but the press sure does so maybe they need to do article after article -- screaming headlines with no qualifiers included -- about their own actions.
NEWSWEEK started this crap. It's always been a CIA cut-out and remains one to this day.
But let's leave their b.s. for a moment to note the other idiots running with it. "Trump Exposed Location, Faces Of Navy Seals Team In Iraq Tweet" screams the headline at HUFFINGTON POST -- despite the fact that Mary Papenfus writes:
The Office of the Secretary of Defense told NBC that no rules were violated by Trump’s tweets.
“The special operators voluntarily participated in this open press event,” the office stated. “There was no security violation.”
And if you doubt who did the exposure, it was the press. Even NEWSWEEK garbage article reveals that -- the pool report issued after the embargo said Donald Trump met with special ops. That same pool report? It i.d. the chaplain of the special ops team. So the press did the exposing.
Not Donald.
Special ops? They're going to go off the base in Iraq. And when they do, they will be seen as Americans. And when they are, it will be assumed that they are part of the American troops who are 'training' Iraqi troops.
To get outraged by this non-story, you have to think that the special ops have the power of invisibility or that the Iraqi people are so stupid that they can't even tell a foreigner when they see one.
The story -- even in the screaming lie version -- was not the end of the world. A security assessment takes place after an incident like this. If reassignment is determined to be necessary, it takes place. That's another fact that the press 'forgot' to include in their hysterical and deceitful coverage.
But the reality is that Trump did not Tweet that anyone was special ops.
These are troops in Iraq which the Iraqis are more than aware are present.
The press exposed them and the press needs to own up to that. And if we need a name, the reporter was Brian Bennett.
But they aren't about the truth, they're about hating Donald Trump.
Which is why you've seen so many headlines about the Iraqi Parliament (usually identified as "Baghdad") being outraged by Trump's visit and insisting it was a violation of their own national sovereignty. But left out of the hysteria? The same people outraged are calling for US troops out of Iraq.
The Barbara Starrs won't note that reality because they are all about continuing the Iraq War. They always have been, the whores have no blood in the game but they wouldn't feel as important if they weren't betraying the American people by cozying up to US officials. It's an empty and pathetic life but Barbara Starr is an empty and pathetic individual.
Phil Issa (AP) reports:
Iraqi lawmakers Thursday demanded U.S. forces leave the country following a surprise visit by President Donald Trump that politicians denounced as arrogant and a violation of national sovereignty.
Trump’s trip to U.S. servicemen and women at al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq on Wednesday was unannounced and the subject of extreme security, which is routine for presidential visits to conflict regions. But it came at a time when containing foreign influence has become a hot-button issue in Iraqi politics, and it provoked vociferous backlash.
In general it is bad for a president to be impulsive. But Trump’s rash decision to go to Iraq without informing the Iraqi government created a new demand for a full U.S. withdrawal. Perhaps a good outcome.
That's a real story.
There are real stories. Maybe in 2019, we can grow up and address them? Starting with Basra.
@shadihamid details challenge of poor governance = rise sub-state actors. Look at Iraq: PMF fill in security gaps/earn legitimacy in ISIS fight. GoI yet to truly bring under state control. Basra protests of corruption/poor services not reconciled = opportunities for exploitation
Iraqi police dispersed on Tuesday fresh protests in the southern Basra province as demonstrations seem to make a comeback decrying poor services.
Alsumaria News said...
Let's wind down with this from Burn Pits 360.
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